What is Agility? Agility is obstacle racing for fun, exercise, confidence building, control, and/or competition. In agility, a dog demonstrates is agile nature and versatility by following cues from the handler through a timed obstacle course. The course has jumps, tunnels, weave poles, and other obstacles.
Will My Dog Be Able to Do Agility? Puppy, beginners and advanced courses are fun and increase control and confidence with your dog:
In Puppy Foundation, your puppy will build confidence, learn self-control, develop drive and become familiar with agility equipment.
In Beginners, your dog will learn all the obstacles. Beginner dogs are on leash and the course is structured to build confidence in both your dog and you!
In Intermediate, you learn handling techniques. In Advanced, we focus on course running.
In Competition, we help you become successful competing in agility venues. (The Competition class is limited to students that are actively competing.)
In Agility for Reactive Dogs, we help fearful dogs gain confidence through agility.
In Speedway it is all ground work, hoops, tunnels and barrels.
Your dog should be 1 year or older to start Beginner Agility and/or Contacts and Weave Poles.
Puppy Foundation is for pups 16 weeks to 1 year.
Extra class information:
Class sizes are limited and only buckle collars are used.
Junior handlers must be over the age of 12.
Children under the age of 12 are not allowed on the floor during Beginners Agility.
Cost of courses:
Puppy Foundation: $175 for 8 weeks, 45 min
Beginners: $190 for 8 weeks, 1 hr*
Intermediate/Advanced/Competition: $190 for 8 weeks*
*discounted to $170 after 2 consecutive 8 week sessions
Reactive Dog Agility: $190 for 8 weeks, 1hr
Speedway: $190 for 8 weeks*
*discounted to $170 after 2 consecutive 8 week sessions
What to bring to class: six foot leash (no retractable leashes), flat collar and treats or toys for motivation
Class Requirements:
All dogs must be current on distemper, bordetella and rabies vaccinations and parasite free to attend sessions. Please bring proof of vaccination to first class.
Handlers under 16 years old must have adult supervision. Multiple family members are allowed and encouraged to attend classes. (However, at some locations we must limit the number of family members attending).
Dogs must be 1 year old for Speedway and the handler must have some agility experience.
How to register for classes:
To sign up for a course, call our office at 262-363-4529. Then print out a registration form and send it in with payment to guarantee your spot in the course. Click here for a registration information.
Listed below are the starting dates for the Agility classes. Whichever day you start, is the day of the week and time your class will be held for the eight week session.
Main location
828 Perkins Dr.
March 27, Thursday
Weave Class (4 weeks)
April 1, Tuesday
9:00am Puppy Agility Foundation
April 4, Friday
11:00am Speedway
12:15pm Speedway
April 8, Tuesday
10:30am Advanced
11:45am Intermediate
April 25, Friday
1:30pm Speedway
2:30pm Speedway
May 6, Tuesday
1:15pm Beginner
2:30pm Competition
May 11, Sunday
1:00pm Competition
2:15pm Advanced
3:25pm Intermediate
4:30pm Beginners (Class is Full)
May 13, Tuesday​
3:45pm Shy Dog Agility
May 18, Sunday
6:00pm Puppy Agility Foundation
May 20, Tuesday
6:00pm Advanced/Intermediate (Class is Full)
7:10pm Beginners (Class is Full)

"I also learned "how important it is to give him a 'job' to calm him."
Linda, Olivia, & Trigg