Adult Beginner
This 8-week course is for dog's 16 weeks of age and up. This course guides the owner through the "teen" months of their dog and also addresses challenges of the older dog.
Topics Include:
Basic commands (such as, sit, down, come, stand, stay, leave it, drop it, off)
Focusing exercises to improve your dog's response around distractions
Walking and heeling on leash
House manners (to reduce inappropriate behavior such as jumping and barking)
House or yard boundaries
Proper play and games
What to bring to class: six foot leash (no retractable leashes), flat collar or harness and treats or toys for motivation
Class Requirements:
All dogs must be current on distemper, bordetella and rabies vaccinations and parasite free to attend sessions. Please bring proof of vaccination to first class.
Handlers under 16 years old must have adult supervision. Multiple family members are allowed and encouraged to attend classes. (However, at some locations we must limit the number of family members attending.)
How to register for classes:
To sign up for a course, call our office at 262-363-4529. Then print out a registration form and send it in with payment to guarantee your spot in the course. Click here for a registration information.
Listed below are the starting dates for the Adult Beginner classes. Whichever day you start, is the day of the week and time your class will be held for the eight week session. The class is 1 hour long.
Cost of course: $260 for an 8 week course
Main location
828 Perkins Dr.
March 17, Monday 12:00pm
March 20, Thursday 7:45pm (Class is Full)
April 2, Wednesday 12:00pm
April 9, Wednesday 5:15pm
April 21, Monday 10:00am
May 4, Sunday 9:00am
Genesee Depot
Friends of Nature
HWY 59 one block west of HWY 83
March 25, Tuesday 6:00pm (Class is Full)

"We would like to thank everyone at 'For Pet's Sake' for the excellent training services recevied! Zeus thanks you too!"
Rick, Sally & Zeus
"Love the book, I'm sure I'll be using it for a long time."
Jennifer & Rocky
"I started training so my dog would learn his name (even though we used it at home). My dog started responding to his name once I put a command with it. Also, one day he ran away from me when I accidentally let go of the leash. It took me about 15 minutes to get him back. I thought for sure he was going to run towards one of the busy streets near the house. I learned all the things I shouldn't have done and what I should have to get him to come back."
Shirley & Painter
"My wife and I are now on the same page as far as commands. We also feel we learned some valuable information. Sit/stays have helped in all facets of our life, from company over to our routine walks."
Josh, Laura & Molly
"I started "obedience for a happy, polite doggy and an unfrustrated human -- thank you for an awesome experience training us."
Linda & Piper